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For examples of how government deregulation can affect our lives, look at telephone companies or the airline industry. Not too many years ago, both were heavily regulated and operated with strict fares and tariffs set by government agencies.

Now the electric utility is being targeted for deregulation. Four states already have adopted legislation to remove most of the government control of electric companies. Illinois is studying the situation, and Missouri is getting ready to take a look at it. Meanwhile, Congress is holding hearings and weighing possible legislation to remove most of the federal regulatory control of electric utilities.

What does all of this mean in practical terms? For most consumers of electricity, it will mean being able to choose which power company to purchase electricity from -- at whatever appears to be the best rate.

Like the telephone and airline industries, of course, the consumer will have to become better informed in order to make a good purchasing decision. But in the long run, the consumer is likely to come out dollars ahead.