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News that Gov. Mel Carnahan wants his staff to compile the home addresses of all state workers, the better to turn them over to union organizers, should alarm every Missourian who cares about basic human rights, not to mention economy in government. This push is evidently an executive branch maneuver to get around the persistent failure of bills to establish collective bargaining for all public employees. So it appears this governor is saying that if the elected representatives of the people refuse to appeals to unionize state government, he'll just do it through executive fiat.

Serious privacy issues are raised. Why should the state blithely make such disclosures about its entire work force, when many, perhaps even most, state workers would prefer that their privacy be protected? Government workers constitute one of the largest interest blocs within today's Democratic Party, but is every other consideration to be sacrificed on the alter of unionizing state government?

Lawmakers who understand what is at stake should get busy and fight the governor's proposed action with every resource at their disposal.