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Again, the Area Wide United Way has set an ambitious goal for this year: $625,000, up a significant $75,000 over last year's goal.

It will be the 45th consecutive drive of the local United Way, which has raised more than $9 million to help fund agencies in Cape Girardeau, Jackson and Scott City. This year 25 agencies will benefit.

It is important to note that the campaign remains a local effort. Of every dollar raised, 85 cents goes to a local agency.

Edythe Davis, who chairs the campaign, is confident the goal again will be met. At a kickoff gathering, she said that in a study of volunteers, 95 percent said they felt better when they volunteered, and the more they volunteered the better they felt.

Doing something good for someone else is good for you, and that includes working for and giving to the Area Wide United Way. With everyone's help, this year's goal can be met. And you'll feel better by giving.