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Anyone who has ever been chairman of a volunteer effort can easily sympathize with the Cape Girardeau Veterans of Foreign Wars Post, which is ready to throw in the towel on the annual Fourth of July fireworks display at Arena Park unless others in the community step up to help.

But the real problem may not be the fireworks display. The real culprit may be the three-day celebration that is culminated by what has been dazzling fireworks on the evening of Independence Day.

It may just be too much to try to organize such a summertime event when so many folks are busy with vacations, softball games, soccer and all the other activities that occur during the warm months with daylight-saving time.

Perhaps it would be better to focus on the fireworks. There are organizations and individuals willing to help with funding for a good pyrotechnic display. One of the local radio stations already provides recorded music during the fireworks. What more is needed to cap off a celebration of this nation's birth?