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When Riverfest started 20 years ago in downtown Cape Girardeau, the idea was to have a community celebration that would pay homage to the city's largest natural asset: the Mississippi River.

But high water, a floodwall and, frequently, closed floodgates have meant fewer and fewer connections with the river over the years.

This year's Riverfest, scheduled for June 12-13, promises to restore some of the "river" in Riverfest. Organizers are looking at such options as playing host to the Missouri champions of the National Jet Ski Race.

Other possibilities, weather and river levels permitting, might be excursion boat rides, tours of a barge and tow and opportunities for river pilots and former river pilots to tell their stories to listeners who visit the festival.

Along with crafts and food booths and plenty of entertainment, Riverfest promises to be better than ever this year. Now, if they planners could just do something about the weather in mid-June ... .