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Cape Girardeau, Jackson and the county are putting out the red carpet for visiting Procter & Gamble Paper Products Co. employees and their families.

Four groups of workers at P&G plants elsewhere are visiting the region this month to determine whether they want to move here and go to work at the P&G plant north of Cape Girardeau. P&G has undertaken a $350 million expansion to its huge plant. It will make towels and tissues in the new plant.

The first group to visit was from a plant at Mehoopany, Pa. Another group from Albany, Ga., is to be here today. A group from Green Bay, Wis., will visit Wednesday through March 20. Groups from Oxnard, Calif., and Canada, will be here March 31 through April 2.

In all, approximately 120 P&G employees and their families will visit the county this month.

The visitors not only are getting a look at the plant but are seeing schools, churches, shopping areas, and housing in Cape Girardeau and Jackson. Local government representatives, business people, medical personnel and educators are holding events that serve to show what the area has to offer and to answer questions the visitors might have.

Some of the P&G visitors will have permanent positions at the plant. Others will come to help open the new plant and return to their jobs elsewhere.

As one of the region's largest employers, Procter & Gamble has a tremendous impact on the local economy. The plant and its employees are energetically involved in the community on a number of fronts, and the area benefits greatly from that involvement.

The warm welcome the visitors are receiving says a lot for the important role Procter & Gamble plays in the community. It is a display of gratitude for P&G having become one of the top corporate citizens in the Cape Girardeau-Jackson area.