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More than 1,000 young people gathered for prayer and celebration in Cape Girardeau recently. It was all part of "The Joshua Generation: Taking America Back" rally.

These young people gathered from Missouri, Kentucky, Illinois and Indiana.

What a wonderful sight it was to see so many teens and pre-teens bonding together for positive change. Speakers and singers encouraged those in attendance to take a path away from drugs, alcohol, suicide and premarital sex.

The courts have clamped down upon religion in the schools. But it hasn't stifled these young people. Student prayer groups are popping up across the country.

In a touching moment, the group provided a standing ovation for eight students from Heath High School in Paducah, Ky. Three members of that prayer group were gunned down last December by a 14-year-old student. Since that time, the Paducah prayer group has grown from 35 to 200.

It is impressive to see young people embrace fellowship, compassion and hope. Their example is the best kind of testimony to other young people on the values of Christian living.