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St. Mary Cathedral Grade School has a feather in its cap.

The school has received statewide recognition for its accelerated reader program. It was the first school in the state to be named a Reading Renaissance Model School. That is quite an honor considering that both parochial and public schools are eligible.

Teachers at the school set aside 60 minutes of time each day for reading practice at every grade level.

Reading is truly fundamental. Good readers do better in all subjects.

The St. Mary school's library has the kind of problem all schools wish they had. The demand for books is so great that staff cannot keep up with getting the books back on the shelf.

Area businesses deserve credit for the program's success as well. They have contributed incentive prizes that help motivate students. The school has been creative as well -- doling out such prizes as "principal for a day" to honor readers.

St. Mary school has generated excitement about reading. While the school has earned some well-deserved recognition, the real winners are the students. Their zeal for reading should assist them in all other endeavors.