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Southeast Missouri State University students will take the plunge into community service today.

About 200 university students will participate in the university's third annual event to promote volunteerism. It is called Plunge '99.

The students will volunteer several hours this afternoon at nearly 20 community agencies and programs ranging from Habitat for Humanity to the Humane Society, from the Women's Safe House to Trail of Tears.

Service to the community by university students today and throughout the year would fill an impressive list. In a time when violent students fill the headlines and sound bytes, it's good to focus on the good works of young people.

The students won't be alone in good deeds this Saturday.

Vision 2000 will hold its annual Pride on the South Side Day this morning. Vision 2000 workers will be joined by the Class of 2000 and volunteers from the Haarig business area.

It's not too late to join this spirit of cooperation and community betterment. Volunteers can bring their gloves and meet at the former supermarket parking lot at the corner of Sprigg and William at 10 this morning. Plunge volunteers will gather at about 12:30 p.m. on the Academic Hall terraces on the Southeast campus.

Plunge '99 is more than just a feel-good project. It teaches important lessons about service and demonstrates to young people what good feelings come from helping others. These lessons on life dovetail perfectly with academic studies.