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For the fourth time since 1996, a Cape Girardeau doctor has been honored with the Missouri State Medical Association's Citizenship and Community Service Award. This year's recipient is Dr. Jean A. Chapman, who was instrumental in the formation of the Cape Girardeau County Public Health Center.

In addition, Dr. Chapman has been the host since 1990 of the "Ask Your Doctor" program on the public-access cable-television channel in Cape Girardeau. Chapman is an internist and allergist who helped establish a nationwide system of collecting pollen and mold data.

This community if fortunate to have so many doctors who have been recognized by their peers for both their medical skills and their efforts to help others. Many medical professionals from here make trips each year to some far-off place desperately in need of health care. And some of our doctors have advanced surgical techniques and other procedures that have raised the quality of life for countless patients.

To this long list is added the name of Dr. Chapman, a worthy and inspiring honoree.