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When spring weather has been as good as this year's mild season, it's hard to miss the handiwork of Vision 2000 volunteers who have planted thousands of flower bulbs in recent years at various locations throughout Cape Girardeau.

The goal of Vision 2000, a group that seeks to improve the quality of life in the City of Roses, was to plant 50,000 bulbs by 2000. So far, 42,000 bulbs are in the ground. The daffodils that recently displayed their golden glory at major intersections were a result of the planting effort.

Melvin Gateley, who has been a stalwart of Vision 2000, is credited most with the floral displays seen by motorists. But he passes along much of the credit to those volunteers who have helped make the flower beds a reality -- even though it is usually Melvin passers-by see watering the flowers from a tank on his own truck.

To Vision 2000, Gateley and all the others who have had a hand in the blooming of Cape Giradeau: Thank you.