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What a privilege it is to have such fine examples of success and community spirit in Cape Girardeau as those recognized at last week's annual Cape Girardeau Chamber of Commerce banquet.

The chamber presented its Rush Limbaugh Award, named for the well-known community-minded lawyer who practiced here for 75 years, to Vernon Auer. Auer has devoted his life to business and community service. He has been a salesman, municipal court judge and Air Force pilot and has won many other awards, including Peace Officer of the Year, Chamber Go Getter and Boss of the Year. Several years ago, the city proclaimed a Vernon Auer Day.

Two remarkable small businesses were recognized at the banquet as well. Richard and Jane Daume opened Kwik Copy in 1985, and the company grew 710 percent in 10 years. And Larry and Bettye Payne acquired Rose Concrete in 1984 and have seen an average annual growth of 20 percent since.

Certainly, area residents who want to serve their communities or start a small business -- or both -- can look to Auer, the Daumes and the Paynes for examples to follow.