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While Federal Express and U.S. Postal Service competitors might not initially like the idea, the new alliance between the two should mean more dependable and timely deliveries of parcels.

Under the deal, FedEx will haul express mail and priority mail as well as some first-class mail for the Postal Service. FedEx will provide guaranteed space at a cost of $6.3 billion over seven years. FedEx will pay the Postal Service between $126 million and $232 million to put its collection boxes at post offices.

Pooling public and private sectors' operations and assets should benefit Americans who depend on the mail for so much. And with the Postal Service announcing the agreement is nonexclusive, alliances with other companies that offer overnight package service nationally might also someday become reality.

If the new system works well and other alliances are made among deliverers, the public could see a lot improvements down the road.