
Teacher relays lessons while on the road in Vietnam

Brad Haertling is making good on his motto to "make learning an adventure." The Jackson middle-school teacher is cycling through Vietnam this summer, all the while posting lessons for his students on the web.

Haertling told the Southeast Missourian he and his friend, Danny Rees, had been wanting to make the trip for years. He welcomed the opportunity to be able to incorporate education into his travels.

"I really wanted to allow the students to see these events (and the country) through my eyes. Using the website and having a co-teacher in the classroom allows me to do this," Haertling wrote in an email.

The geography and history teacher is no stranger to educational travel. Past excursions have included biking trips along sections of the Oregon Trail. He has made personal trips all over the globe.

Haertling's trip to Vietnam will last about three weeks. His 1,100-mile route is between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

"Three weeks is approximately the time that the students are in summer school," he wrote. The timing should be just about perfect.

Haertling is a teriffic example of a teacher going the extra mile -- literally -- to reach his students. International travel is a great way to learn many lessons in culture, geography, even math. While it's not practical for entire classes of middle-schoolers to make such a remote and extensive field trip, they are getting the next-best thing thanks to Haertling: a teacher with firsthand knowledge of his subject.

Thanks for bringing Vietnam to your classes, Mr. Haertling. We wish you the best of luck and safe travels.
