Local Personal Trainers Offer Phone Coaching

T-N-T Fitness's personal trainers are offering fitness and nutrition coaching over the phone to its clients. When our clients have questions about what to do on fitness and nutrition they have the luxury of calling T-N-T Fitness. Also we contact our clients to make them accountable for what they are doing for their fitness and nutrition. The over the phone coaching is our way to help our clients reach their health and fitness goals.

Other personal trainers meet with their clients about three times a week and the clients are expected to be accountable for the other four days that they are not with their clients. When meeting with your trainer to exercise is just one element to increasing chances of success. T-N-T Fitness believes that meeting with a trainer to exercise and having good nutrition is great to have but, if you are able to combine this with your trainer coaching you over the phone to ensure everything is done correctly. This just increases your chances more of meeting your fitness and nutrition goals.
