Letter to the Editor

Tactics are part of larger agenda

Much has made of the battle over Obamacare. The Democratic Party's efforts to pass the bill have taken on a new mode: a no-vote vote, that is, they deem health care reform is law without actually voting on it. Scholars of the Constitution call this action unconstitutional.

But should we by surprised by these underhanded tactics? No. President Obama and Speaker Pelosi have made it glaringly clear they're going to pass this bill no matter what anyone says.

Make no mistake about it, though, this goes way beyond health care. Cap-and-trade (cap-and-tax) and bailouts are part of a larger agenda. It is a radically socialist agenda, trying to destroy our capitalist economic system and replace it with socialized everything. And this is being done with absolutely no respect for the Constitution or the Founders' vision. It is being done with contempt for both.

President Obama called the Constitution an "imperfect document," saying it reflects "some deep flaws" and an "enormous blind spot." He also stated the Framers had "that same blind spot." What does this tell you about this president, his allies and their agenda? It tells me that these people have a deep-seated contempt for this nation and want to mutate it into something none of us recognize.

TONY REDDICK, Chaffee, Mo.