Letter to the Editor

Workshop will address issues of black-white gap

To the editor:

The guest column by Nathan Glazer -- "Black-white gap: Will anything work?" -- causes us all to wonder if there is anything we can do. But there are signs of hope that help us bridge the black-white gap. At 9 a.m. Nov. 8, the Downtown Council of Churches is sponsoring a workshop titled "Dismantling the Matrix of Racism." Resources for local church, education and community leaders will be available as we discuss local needs and issues for Cape Girardeau.

The Rev. Monica Jefferson, Missouri area coordinator of Urban and Intercultural Ministries, will be our guest facilitator. The event will be held in the Harrison Room at Southeast Missouri Hospital.

Shall we give up on the racial gap? Or shall we come together to listen, learn and better love one another?



Centenary United Methodist Church

Cape Girardeau