Letter to the Editor

Group homes are better solution

To the editor:People First of Missouri is a self-advocacy organization of 1,500 members representing 45 chapters. Our motto is, "We are people first; our disabilities are secondary." As a disabled person I have been fortunate to have always lived at home and have made my own decisions about my health, medication and the management of my life. My church and the Rolla community are supportive in all the ways that mean so very much.

The problem that concerns me now is the news that Missouri officials have decided to keep the Bellefontaine Habilitation Center in St. Louis and either rebuild it or restore it to a state-of-the-art establishment. I understand this is the exact reverse of what the approved grant proposal had requested. It was the hope of all the residents that they would be placed in smaller group homes where they would have more freedom to make the choices that affect their lives. They would like to be able to attend church, to participate in the community in ways not possible from an institution.

Of course, there would be some who require more defined health care provided by a professional, but many residents could have a much fuller life in the more flexible community services that should be available.

We at People First ask that Missourians urge our state government to understand that the financial resources available through the grant would be better used if it focused on the people rather than the restoration of a building.

GARY STEVENS, Treasurer, People First of Missouri, Rolla, Mo.