Letter to the Editor

Preachers and political correctness

To the editor:

When our third branch of government removed the Bible from schools, our preachers said let's go along to get along. When our third branch removed prayer from schools, our preachers said let's go along to get along. When our third branch said abortion was legal because it could not say when life began, our preachers said let's go along to get along. When our third branch said there was, according to the First Amendment, a separation of church and state, our preachers said let's go along to get along. When our third branch said abominations could marry, our preachers said let's go along to get along.

A state government now says prayers can no longer be ended in the name of Jesus. Christians' freedom of speech if being violated. What did our preachers do? There is a debate about offending our non-Christian community, and when we say "merry Christmas" it becomes politically incorrect. What are our preachers saying? How much longer will it be before a Christian is jailed for saying "merry Christmas' or ending prayers in the name of Jesus or criticizes the corruption that exists in this nation?

It is obvious that the church has become a coward. Just like our third branch has become anti-Christ, it is the reflection of our congressional legislators who put judges in office, which is a reflection of citizens who put legislators in office. When the church and the government are reflections of good and correct evil, people will rejoice.