Letter to the Editor

Constituents offer better solutions than Sen. Talent

To the editor:

Think. Don't be duped by covert political agendas. There has never been any credible evidence linking Iraq to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Regarding links between Iraq and terrorism in general, a growing number of U.S. senators and representatives, privy to the information U.S. Sen. Jim Talent reports he has heard, are coming to a different conclusion than the one he purports. The CIA has repeatedly said that linkages are weak at best. Whatever information Talent has heard, it in no way stands up to the quantity nor the veracity of evidence currently being analyzed by greater minds in the United Nations.

The bottom line is that the information does not merit going to war. And some of Talent's constituents don't appreciate faulty logic which is stuck in antiquated approaches to problem-solving, especially when those thinking outside the box have offered safer, less expensive, internationally legal, less ecologically damaging, more honest, more lasting and more moral solutions.

I believe they are better -- and we, the American people, are better -- than Talent knows.


Cape Girardeau