At the Southeast Missourian, we understand the important role of community journalism. We don’t shy away from the difficult topics, but we also look to shine a light on the positive things happening in the community.
Every day, you’ll find positive, uplifting stories about people and organizations doing good work in the community. Generous people, enterprising students and talented athletes, just to name a few. And each weekend, we publish an entire section called Good Times filled with positive community news.
One of the reasons to publish this kind of content is we believe it’s not only uplifting to readers but can also serve as inspiration, a way to encourage others to do good and help one another.
Recently, the newspaper announced a new initiative consistent with this goal — SEMO Acts of Kindness: Sharing the good in Southeast Missouri.
We’re encouraging readers to submit their own stories highlighting acts of kindness. We’ll share these stories in print and online, and at the end of each month, one participant will be randomly chosen to win a $50 Visa gift card.
To submit a story of kindness, you can send an email to, send a direct message to the SEMO Acts of Kindness Facebook page — — or fill out a simple form online at
Helping us share these stories of kindness are the following sponsors: Rufus Red Hots, Around the Clock Medical Alarms, First Missouri State Bank of Cape County and Mississippi Mutts.
If you know of an example of kindness, consider sharing it with us. Let’s encourage each other with positive messages about all the good happening in our community.
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