Students from Steele and Farmington won the top awards at the 38th annual Regional Science Fair, held in Cape Girardeau this week. Awards were announced Thursday night.
International Sciene and Engineering Fair winners are Gary Hicks, The Enhancement of Nitrate Reductase Activity by Gibberellic Acid, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 12th grade, teacher David Walls; and Christa Blocker, Nitrate Contamination in Rural Drinking Water, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
American Chemical Society
Jr. Biochemistry: Susan Waggoner, Oh What a Relief It Is. . .Or Is It?, T.S. Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Jr. Chemistry: Willa Morrow, The Shampoo Solution, T.S. Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Sr. Biochemistry: Christy Dildine, The Effect of Chemicals on the Activity of Peroxidase Enzyme, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 10th grade, teacher David Walls.
Sr. Chemistry: Christa Blocker, Nitrate Contamination in Rural Drinking Water, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
American Foundation of Vision Awareness: Plaque and $50 to Robert Lemmon, Light Twice Refracted, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff; and Certificate of Honor to Sue Ellen Taylor, Visual Interference, Hayti Jr. High, 8th grade, teacher, Patricia Schroader.
American Society for Microbiology: Leslie Schaefer, Moisture and Aflatoxin Growth, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Cape County Veterinary Medical Society
First: Amanda Johnson & Shelley White, How Effective is Beta Carotene in Fighting Cancer in Plants?, Advance R-4, Advance, 9th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher; and Leslie Schaefer, Moisture and Aflatoxin Growth, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Second: Andrew Blattel, Would Your Calf be Better Off with an Implant?, St. Joseph, Scott City, 7th grade, teacher Rhonda Dunham; and Kristi Jenkins, The Effect of Garlic on E. coli, Advance R-4, 10th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Cape Girardeau Area Engineers Club: Woody Soonattrakul, The Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Building Materials, Kennett Middle School, 7th grade, teacher Robert Gill; and Joey Myers, Does the Percent of Fly Ash Affect the Strength of Concrete?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Environmental Analysis South, Inc.: John Colhouer, The Effects of Rye and Vetch on Dunklin County Soil Erosion, Kennett Middle School, 7th grade, teacher Robert Gill; Elizabeth Clauser, Will Corn Sprout in Missouri Soil?, Marquand Zion R-6, 8th grade, teacher Sharon Schwarz; Trina Swogger, Can Recyclable Newspaper Absorb More Moisture than Peat Moss in Soil?, Sikeston Jr, High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Four Seasons Audubon Society: Lesley Goehring, Zebra Mussels: From Lakes to Rivers, Cape Central Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild; Melissa Engelen, The Effect of Bacillus thuringensis on Agricultural Pests--A Four year study, Leopold High School, 12th grade, teacher Cheryl Macke.
Junior Engineering Technical Society: Joey Myers, Does the Percent of Fly Ash Affect the Strength of Concrete?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
National Association of Biology Teachers: Robert Felker, Microwave Catheter Sterilization, Cape Central High, 10th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Amy Strickland, An Expanded Study of Kaprekar's Process, Oak Ridge R-6, 9th grade, teacher Melody Green.
National Association of Corrosion Engineers: Brandon Stricker, Will Automotive Paint Resist Cracking with a Flex Additive?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
NASA: Sue Ellen Taylor, Visual Interference, Hayti Jr. High, 8th grade, teacher Patricia Schroader; Andrew Buchheit, Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect Plant Growth, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters; Cami Todt, How is an Altimeter Affected When Flying From an Area of One Pressure to an Area of Another Pressure, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert; Samantha Schoen, The Effects of Microgravity of Zea Mays and Phasolus vulgaris, Oak Ridge R-6, 10th grade, teacher Melody Green; Amber Vaught, Which Building Material is the Best Insulator?, Sikeston High School, 11th grade, teacher Martha Dodson.
Sierra Club: Jeff Miller, Has Water Changed in the Last Three Years, Cape Central Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Southeast Missouri Dental Society: Ryan Logan, Brushing, Does It Help or Doesn't It?, Charleston Jr High, 7th grade, teacher Paula Smith; Christa Blocker, Nitrate Contamination in Rural Drinking Water, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
Louis Unfer Award:
Jr. Earth Science: SreeVamsi Adusumilli, Earthquake!!!, St. Mary Cathedral, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Helen Payne.
Jr. Engineering: Brandon Stricker, Will Automotive Paint Resist Cracking with a Flex Additive?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Union Electric: Derek Oldsen, The Effects of Electrolytes and Temperature on Electricity Production, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 7th grade, teacher Elizabeth Ellis.
U.S. Army
Engineering: Joey Myers, Does the Percent of Fly Ash Affect the Strength of Concrete?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Environmental: April Robertson, Study of Mercury and Lead Levels in Corbicula Mussels, Advance R-4, 12th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Mathematics: Jeremy French, Using Calculus to Predict the G-Forces on a Roller Coaster, Advance R-4, 12th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Life Science: Robert Felker, Microwave Catheter Sterilization, Cape Central High, 10th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Physical Science: Christa Blocker, Nitrate Contamination in Rural Drinking Water, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
Overall Best: Christa Blocker, Nitrate Contamination in Rural Drinking Water, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
U.S. Department of Energy: Kevin Robertson, The Production of Ethanol from Cellulose and Hemicellulose by Trichoderma, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 12th grade, teacher David Walls.
U.S. Navy/Marine Corps: Joey Myers, Does the Percent of Fly Ash Affect the Strength of Concrete?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert; Kristen Deane, Do Trace Amounts of Heavy Metals Kill Escherichia coli?, Sikeston High School, 11th grade, teacher Wanda Throop; Jennifer Orr, Antifreeze - Is It Really Worth the Price?, West County R-4, Leadwood, 12th grade, Marsha Howser; Ben Bohannon, Does Pitch Affect the Amount of Sound that will Travel through a Specific Medium?, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
U.S. Metric Association: Jason Bandermann, Presto, Chango--The Ice is Gone, Woodland R-4, Marble Hill, 8th grade, teacher David Jaegers.
U.S. Public Health Service: Rebecca Mattes, What Effect Does Different Cigarette Tar Levels have on Artificial Lungs?, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Yale Science & Engineering Association: Kristen Deane, Do Trace Amounts of Heavy Metals Kill Escherichia coli?, Sikeston High School, 10th grade teacher Wanda Throop.
Best Group: Darlene Nilsen & Cassandra Williams, Does Planting Sweet Corn Seeds in Different Directions Affect the Growth?, Advance R-4, 8th grade, teacher Amy Birk.
Overall Junior Life Exhibit: John Colhouer, The Effects of Rye and Vetch on Dunklin County Soil Erosion, Kennett Middle School, 7th grade, teacher Robert Gill: Elizabeth Green, Do Amino Acids Enhance or Inhibit the Growth of the Bacterium psudomonus, Cape Central Jr High, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Overall Junior Physical Exhibit: SreeVamsi Adusumilli, Earthquake!!!, St Mary Cathedral, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Helen Payne.
Louis Unfer Memorial Scholarship: Gary Hicks, The Enhancement of Nitrate Reductase Activity by Gibberellic Acid, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 12th grade, teacher David Walls.
Dr. E.L. Bahn Award: Winner, Melissa Engelen, The Effect of Bacillus thuringensis on Agricultural Pests--A Four year study, Leopold High School, 12th grade, teacher Cheryl Macke; Alternate, Brandon Gregory, Body Language: A Study of Automobile Body Frames, Advance R-4, 12th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Top Eighth Grade Student: Willa Morrow, The Shampoo Solution, TS Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Senior Behavioral and Social Science
First: Heather Barnes, Color Perceptions Affected by Age and Sex, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Second: Kathy Jenkins, Mnemonic Effects in List Learning of Sixth Graders, Advance R-4, 12th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Third: Jennifer Smith, Pictures or Words?, Sikeston High School, 11th grade, teacher Martha Dodson.
Senior Biochemistry
First: Christy Dildine, The Effect of Chemicals on the Activity of Peroxidase Enzyme, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 10th grade, teacher David Walls.
Second: Amanda Garner, The Amount of Monosaccharides in Fruit, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Senior Botany
First: Gary Hicks, The Enhancement of Nitrate Reductase Activity by Gibberellic Acid, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 12th grade, teacher David Walls.
Second: Stuart Matthews, Which Grass has the Most Chlorophyll: Fescue or Rye?, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Third: Sally Wibbenmeyer, Time as a Determining Factor on the Rate of Mitosis, Oak Ridge R-6, 12th grade, teacher Melody Green.
Senior Chemistry
First: Christa Blocker, Nitrate Contamination in Rural Drinking Water, Farmington High School, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
Second: Marcy Swogger, The Effect of Varying the Concentration of Vinegar in the Dyeing of Eggs, Sikeston High School, 11th grade, teacher Martha Dodson.
Third: Gabriel Bayless, Determining Hardness of Water, West County R-4, Leadwood, 12th grade, teacher Marsha Howser.
Senior Engineering
First: Joey Myers, Does the Percent of Fly Ash Affect the Strength of Concrete?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Second: Brandon Gregory, Body Language: A Study of Automobile Body Frames, Advance R-4, 12th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Senior Environmental Science
First: Joshua Barnes, Effect of Excess CO2 on Plant Growth, West County R-4, Leadwood, 11th grade, teacher Marsha Howser.
Second: Jaime Freed, The Effects of Air Pollution on Lichens, Advance R-4, 10th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Third: Jenny Stark, Lead Content in Roadside Grasses at Varying Distances, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Senior Medicine and Health
First: Robert Felker, Microwave Catheter Sterilization, Cape Central High, 10th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Second: Susan Ellis, The Effects of DNA Strand Breakage and Replication Induced by UV Light, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 9th grade, David Walls.
Third: Amy Schatte, How do Calcium and CCBs Affect the Heart Rate of Daphnia?, Advance R-4, 12th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Senior Microbiology
First: Leslie Schaefer, Moisture and Aflatoxin Growth, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Second: Kristen Deane, Do Trace Amounts of Heavy Metals Kill Escherichia coli?, Sikeston High School, 11th grade, teacher Martha Dodson.
Third: Lien Hoang, What Type of Light Promotes Bacterial Growth?, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Senior Physics
First: Ben Bohannon, Does Pitch Affect the Amount of Sound that will Travel through a Specific Medium?, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Second: Amber Vaught, Which Building Material is the Best Insulator?, Sikeston High School, 11th grade, teacher Martha Dodson.
Third: Robert Lemmon, Light Twice Refracted, Farmington High, 10th grade, teacher Dennis Graff.
Senior Zoology
First: Christopher Smith, Are There Similarities in the Fingerprints of Family Members?, Sikeston High School, 10th grade, teacher Wanda Throop.
Second: Jennifer Westbrook, The Effect of Caffeine on the Development and Survival of Mealworms, Advance R-4, 10th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher.
Third: Patricia Mayberry, The Effect Pollution has on the Survival Rate of Artemia, West County R-4, Leadwood, 12th grade, teacher Marsha Howser.
Junior Behavioral and Social Science
First: Vicki Ventrella, Are We Learning Together?, Cape Central Jr. High, Cape Girardeau, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Second: Taylor Goodale & Daniel Mothershead, Does Name Brand Perception Affect Taste of Product?, Kelso C-7, Benton, 7th grade, teacher Debra Nenninger.
Third: John Edney, Is There a Home Court Advantage in the NBA?, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 8th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Junior Biochemistry
First: Susan Waggoner, Oh What a Relief It Is. . .Or Is It?, TS Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Junior Botany
First: Aaron Westrich, The Effects of Methanol on Tomatoes: A Two Year Study, Advance R-4, 8th grade, teacher Amy Birk.
Second: Andrew Buchheit, Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect Plant Growth, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters; and Darlene Nilsen & Cassandra Williams, Does Planting Sweet Corn Seeds in Different Directions Affect the Growth?, Advance R-4, 8th grade, teacher Amy Birk.
Third: Chad Heuschober, Flooded Farmland - How Will It Grow?, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters; and Stephanie Miller, How Does the Same Type of Plant Grow in Different Media?, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Junior Chemistry
First: Willa Morrow, The Shampoo Solution, TS Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Second: Douglas Felter & CO Scheffer, The Best Soap for Your Money, St. Denis, Benton, 7th grade, teacher Pat Moore; and Whitney DeLay, Effect of Viscosity and Sudsing on Shampoo's Stain Removal Ability, Charleston Jr High, Charleston, 7th grade, teacher Paula Smith.
Third: Ashley Koettker, Water Hardness, St Mary Cathedral, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Helen Payne.
Junior Earth Science
First: SreeVamsi Adusumilli, Earthquake!!!, St Mary Cathedral, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Helen Payne.
Second: Elizabeth Clauser, Will Corn Sprout in Missouri Soil?, Marquand Zion R-6, Marquand, 8th grade, teacher Sharon Schwarz.
Third: Laura Jennings, Do Different Types of Soil Hold Different Amounts of Water?, Sikeston Middle, 7th grade, teacher Brian Greenlee.
Junior Engineering
First: Brandon Stricker, Will Automotive Paint Resist Cracking with a Flex Additive?, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Second: Woody Soonattrakul, The Effects of Simulated Acid Rain on Building Materials, Kennett Middle School, 7th grade, teacher Robert Gill.
Third: Blake Ayers, Innovative Image Making, TS Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup; and Iris Elizabeth Elledge, Does It Matter if It's Black or White, Woodland R-4, Marble Hill, 8th grade, teacher David Jaegers.
Junior Environmental Science
First: John Colhouer, The Effects of Rye and Vetch on Dunklin County Soil Erosion, Kennett Middle School, 7th grade, teacher Robert Gill.
Second: John Bruce, pH Levels in the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau County: A Two Year Study, St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 8th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters; and Jeff Miller, Has Water Changed in the Last Three Years, Cape Central Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Third: Trina Swogger, Can Recyclable Newspaper Absorb More Moisture than Peat Moss in Soil?, Sikeston Jr High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert; and Leonna Essner, Predicting the Weather with Persimmon Seeds, Kelso C-7, Benton, 8th grade, teacher Debra Nenninger.
Junior Mathematics and computers
First: Karl DelVecchio, Are the Periodic Pictures of Periodic Decimals Symmetrical, St Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Second: Amy Strickland, An Expanded Study of Kaprekar's Process, Oak Ridge R-6, 9th grade, teacher Melody Green.
Third: Ryan Fenwick, Are There Patterns in Pascal's Triangle, St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Junior Medicine and Health
First: Miranda Parker, Is Bigger Really Always Better?, TS Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Second: Chris Geers, New Age Bacteria, Kennett Middle School, 7th grade, teacher Robert Gill.
Third: Kristina Taylor, Vitamin Dissolvability, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 8th grade, teacher Elizabeth Ellis; and Sara Robertson, The Dental Dilemma, TS Hill Middle, Dexter, 8th grade, teacher Lori Murphy & Roger Alsup.
Junior Microbiology
First: Elizabeth Green, Do Amino Acids Enhance or Inhibit the Growth of the Bacterium psudomonus, Cape Central Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Second: Cecilia Kuntz, Antiseptics in Action with Bacteria, St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Third: Julie Bagwell & Katrina Georger, Does Heat and Moisture Affect the Growth of Aflatoxin in Corn?, Advance R-4, 9th grade, teacher Nancy Lanpher; and Adam Baker, The Yeast, It Is a'Risin!!, Woodland R-4, Marble Hill, 8th grade, teacher David Jaegers.
Junior Physics
First: Vijay Dahiya, Internal Resistance of a Battery, Cape Central Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Linda Schild.
Second: Natalie LeGrand, Escaping Gases, Kelso C-7, Benton, 8th grade, teacher Debra Nenninger; and Kenan Carraway, How Does Addition of Weight Affect Speed of a Pinewood Derby Car Down an Inclined Plane, Sikeston Jr. High, 9th grade, teacher Marilyn Lambert.
Third: Julie Hicks, Reflectance of Light From Different Colors, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 8th grade, teacher Elizabeth Ellis.
Junior Zoology
First: Jessie Fluegge, Do Dogs have a Color Preference in Foods?, St. Vincent de Paul, Cape Girardeau, 7th grade, teacher Marilyn Peters.
Second: Christopher Schroader, A Comparison of Regenerative Powers of Dugesia in Presence of Different Color Mediums, South Pemiscot R-5, Steele, 7th grade, teacher Elizabeth Ellis.
Third: Derek Goodin, Do Colored Lights and Certain Natural Oils Repel Arthropods, Charleston Jr. High, 7th grade, teacher Paula Smith.
1995 Logo winner: Designer, Miranda Parker, TS Hill Middle, Dexter.
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