Action items
Power, Light and Water Committee
- Consider a motion to record the mayor's objection to signing bill No. 19-87, under Sections 3-158 and 3-159 of the Code of Ordinances, relative to the South Old Orchard Road Water System Interconnection Project.
- Consider a motion to change the date of the board of aldermen regular meeting and study session from Feb. 17 to Feb. 19 in observance of the Presidents Day holiday.
- Consider a motion to approve the mayor's appointment of Rick Murray to the Community Outreach Board, filling an unexpired term ending May 2021.
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance authorizing the mayor to sign depository agreements with Southern Bank, Wood & Huston Bank, First Missouri State Bank and US Bank.
Street, Sewer and Cemetery Committee
- Consider a motion accepting the proposal of KFVS12 of Cape Girardeau in the amount of $6,500, and authorizing the purchase of services under the 2020 Census Regional Marketing Program.
- Consider a motion approving change order No. 2, at no cost to the city, to Brockmiller Construction Inc. of Farmington, Missouri, relative to the wastewater treatment plant influent flow monitoring system.
- Consider a bill proposing an ordinance approving a special-use permit for a temporary mobile medical office, in a C-2 (general commercial) District, at 2130 E. Jackson Blvd., as submitted by Saint Francis Medical Center.
Information items
- Reports by mayor
- Reports by council members
- Reports by city attorney
- Reports by city administrator
- Discussion of future items
Executive session
- Motion to have executive session. Litigation, personnel and purchase of property. Authority is Section 610.021 and 610.022, Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.
Discussion items
1) Park Concession Stand Operations Program -- bid tabulation.
2) MDNR Land and Water Conservation Fund -- grant opportunity.
3) Missouri Department of Transportation Diverging Diamond Interchange Project at Center Junction -- update.
4) Discussion of previously tabled items.
5) Additional items -- not specified