Speak Out: Happy 142nd Birthday! My Tribute

Posted by swift on Thu, Sep 1, 2011, at 4:37 PM:

On this date, in 1869, a group of delegates from twenty states gathered in Chicago, Illinois. This convention was for the purpose of organizing a new political party. Many of the delegates had helped organize the Republican Party in 1854. Others had been members of the Democratic Party. They were Anti-Masons, former Liberty Party men, former Free Soilers, former Whigs, former Union Party men, Abolitionists, Women Suffragists, and members of the National Temperance Society.

What brought about this gathering was the failure of the Democratic and Republican parties in addressing the problem of alcohol. Public officials were not enforcing existing local prohibition laws.

The Prohibition Party entered elections in nine states during the period from 1869 to 1871. Then, in 1872 the Party nominated a presidential ticket for the general election. James Black from was chosen to run for president. His running mate was John Russell. Black was an activist lawyer from Pennsylvania who organized the National Temperance Society in 1865 . Russell was a Methodist minister from Michigan and first chairman of the Prohibition National Committee. That ticket recieved 5607 votes in six states. The following is a list of presidential/vice-presidential candidates from 1872-1884.

1872 President: James Black (PA), lawyer, civic activist

Vice-President: John Russell (MI) minister, newspaperman (Methodist)

5607 reported votes, 6 states

1876 President: Green Clay Smith (KY) lawyer, military officer, Democratic congressman (Baptist)

Vice-President: Gideon T. Stewart (OH) newspaperman, civic activist

9737 reported votes, 10 states

1880 President: Neal Dow (ME) businessman, military officer, civic activist (Quaker)

Vice-President: Henry A. Thompson (OH) mathematician, pres. Otterbein Univ.

(United Brethren)

10,304 reported votes

1884 President: John P. St. John (KS) adventurer, lawyer, military officer, Republican


Vice-President: William Daniel (MD) legislator, civic activist

153,128 reported votes

When looking at the Prohibition Party Platforms, you will notice some radical innovations. Some of the ideas first promoted by the Prohibition Party were later adopted by the two major parties in their platforms.

Here is the 1872 Party Platform:

1872 Prohibition Party Platform

Resolved, That we reaffirm the following resolutions adopted by the National Prohibition Convention, held at Chicago, Sept. 2, 1869:

`Whereas, Protection and allegiance are reciprocal duties, and every citizen who yields obedience to the just demands of the Government is entitled to the full, free and perfect protection of that Government in the enjoyment of personal security, personal liberty and private property; and

`Whereas, The traffic in intoxicating drinks greatly impairs the personal security and personal liberty of a large mass of citizens, and renders private property insecure; and

`Whereas, All other political parties are hopelessly unwilling to adopt an adequate policy on this question; therefore

`We, in National Convention assembled, as citizens of this free republic, sharing the duties and responsibilities of its Government, in discharge of a solemn duty we owe to our country and our race, unite in the following declaration of principles:

`1. That while we acknowledge the pure patriotism and profound statesmanship of those patriots who laid the foundations of this Government, securing at once the rights of the States severally, and their inseparable union by the Federal Constitution, we would not merely garnish the sepulchers of our republican fathers, but we do hereby renew our solemn pledges of fealty to the imperishable principles of civil and religious liberty embodied in the Declaration of American Independence and our Federal Constitution.

`2. That the traffic in intoxicating beverages is a dishonor to Christian civilization, inimical to the best interests of society, a political wrong of unequaled enormity, subversive of the ordinary objects of government, not capable of being regulated or restrained by any system of license whatever, but imperatively demanding for its suppression effective legal Prohibition by both State and National legislation.'

`3. That while we recognize the good providence of Almighty God in supervising the interest of this nation from its establishment to the present time, having organized our party for the legal Prohibition of the liquor traffic, our reliance for success is upon the same omnipotent arm.

`4. That there can be no greater peril to the nation than the existing party competition for the liquor vote; that any party not openly opposed to the traffic, experience shows, will engage in this competition, will court the favor of the criminal classes, will barter away the public morals, the purity of the ballot, and every object of good government, for party success.

`5. That while adopting national political measures for the Prohibition of the liquor traffic, we will continue the use of all moral means in our power to persuade men away from the injurious practice of using intoxicating beverages.

`6. That we invite all persons, whether total abstainers or not, who recognize the terrible injuries inflicted by the liquor traffic, to unite with us for its overthrow, and to secure thereby peace, order and the protection of persons and property.

`7. That competency, honesty and sobriety are indispensable qualifications for holding public office.

`8. That removals from public service for mere difference of political opinion is a practice opposed to sound policy and just principles.

`9. That fixed and moderate salaries should take the place of official fees and perquisites; the franking privilege, sinecures, and all unnecessary offices and expenses should be abolished, and every possible means be employed to prevent corruption and venality in office; and by a rigid system of accountability from all its officers, and guards over the public treasury, the utmost economy should be practiced and enforced in every department of the Government.

`10. That we favor the election of President, Vice-President and United States Senators by direct vote of the people.

`11. That we are in favor of a sound national currency, adequate to the demands of business and convertible into gold and silver at the will of the holder, and the adoption of every measure compatible with justice and the public safety, to appreciate our present currency to the gold standard.

`12. That the rates of inland and ocean postage, of telegraphic communication, of railroad and water transportation and travel, should be reduced to the lowest practicable point, by force of laws wisely and justly framed, with reference not only to the interest of capital employed but to the higher claim of the general good.

`13. That an adequate public revenue being necessary, it may properly be raised by impost duties and by an equitable assessment upon the property and legitimate business of the country; nevertheless we are opposed to any discrimination of capital against labor, as well as to all monopoly and class legislation.

`14. That the removal of the burdens, moral, physical, pecuniary and social, imposed by the traffic in intoxicating drinks will, in our judgement, emancipate labor and practically thus promote labor reform.

`15. That the fostering and extension of common schools under the care and support of the State, to supply the want of a general and liberal education, is a primary duty of a good government.

`16. That the right of suffrage rests on no mere circumstance of color, race, former social condition, sex or nationality, but inheres in the nature of man; and when from any cause it has been withheld from citizens of our country who are of suitable age and mentally and morally qualified for the dischare of its duties, it should be speedily restored by the people in their sovereign capacity.

`17. That a liberal and just policy should be pursued to promote foreign immigration to our shores, always allowing to the naturalized citizens equal rights, privileges and protection under the Constitution with those who are native born.'

In 1924, the Prohibition Party chose Marie C. Brehm (CA) suffragette for the running mate of presidential candidate, Herman P. Faris (MO) banker, businessman. Brehm was the first legally qualified female vice-presidential candidate.

The Prohibition Party symbol is the camel. I quote from the July-August 1998 National Statesman:

"Influential political cartoonist Thomas Nast (1840-1902), he who gave the pachyderm to be the symbol of the Republican Party and the ******* for that of the Democratic Party, also gave the camel to the Prohibition Party. Nast drew for Harper's Weekly during the last quarter of the nineteenth century.

Nast chose the camel to represent the Prohibition Party because, like Prohibitionists generally, camels don't drink very often, and, when they do drink, they drink only water. Originally a dromedary, the symbol was later changed to the Bactrian camel in order not to be associated with the camel logo on Camel Cigarettes."

The Prohibition Party is not conservative or liberal. There are both points of view found in its political platforms. It is the only Christian Populist political party and the oldest existing "third" party in American politics.

Well, how does the Prohibition Party relate to our local area? Ever notice how many alcohol related accidents there are? Ever notice the number of alcohol related incidents in the police records or court records in our newspaper? Ever wonder how many times alcohol was a factor in emergency room visits and admissions in our local hospital? Alcohol puts a strain on too many marriages and too many homes. Alcoholism is costly and contributes to many medical issues and premature deaths.

So, Happy Birthday, Prohibition Party! May God continue to bless you, and may you continue to be successful in setting local, county, state, and national policies. I'm glad I joined you in 1988! Thankyou Action Prohibitionists: Billy Joe Parker, William Bledsoe, James Hedges, Leroy Pletten, Don Webb, et al



Replies (5)

  • Swift, How'd that all work out?

    -- Posted by Old John on Thu, Sep 1, 2011, at 4:52 PM
  • I don't drink alcohol anyhow so...

    -- Posted by voyager on Fri, Sep 2, 2011, at 7:11 AM
  • LOL, guys!

    1. Rick, it's beverage alcohol, we're against.

    2. OJ, We're still a political party!

    -- Posted by swift on Fri, Sep 2, 2011, at 4:52 PM
  • , and every citizen who yields obedience to the just demands of the Government is entitled

    yields obedience to government? Count me out. I'll leave the gov't worshipping to the weak among you.

    -- Posted by FreedomFadingFast on Fri, Sep 2, 2011, at 10:03 PM
  • No we haven't won any national elections lately. Third parties are useful in national politics to bring up issues affecting voters and society as a whole. Generally, the two major parties, afraid of losing votes, adopt the issues presented by third parties and incorporate those into their own platforms.

    The Prohibition party has done better in state and local elections in states where third parties can still have ballot access.

    Rick, ya needta git yerself better grammer, ya here? LOL! I get a kick how folks respond to those of us who have the guts to think outside the box of conventional thinking. Rick, you may be surprised to know, most third parties were founded by educators.

    Why do you need alcoholic beverages to celebrate a victory? On election night of 2010, the Stoddard County Republicans met at the Country Club for a victory celebration as the election totals came in. Guess how many of us drank alcoholic beverages? One person! That's all! Just one person drank one bottle of some kind of stinking rotten spoiled beverage. The rest of us who attended drank sodas or non-alcoholic punch. You DONOT need alcohol to celebrate anything. Only the ignorant, weak minded, gutless sheeple need alcohol to have fun.

    -- Posted by swift on Sat, Sep 3, 2011, at 10:45 AM

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