Speak Out: Speak Out 2/14/19

Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Feb 14, 2019, at 7:10 AM:

Former Dem

It's plain to see. We America have a President that has done more for America than any President. Democrats in Washington are upset because they wanted him to fail. I'm a Democrat in Missouri -- or was a Democrat.

Non-wall security

Being against the wall is not equivalent to being against border security, despite what Trump is repeatedly expounding. His constant comments regarding his manufactured equivalence is yet another Trump scare tactic. Most Americans support border security but not more walls. There are less expensive yet effective alternatives, including increasingly more advanced technology, that do not steal land from protected wildlife refuges nor from land owners, plus are less expensive, with the latter being a significant issue with our rising national debt.

Leaves pickup

The city of Cape needs a better leaf pickup system. The truck comes by too early, then it takes nearly three months for it to come back. Meantime the wind keeps blowing the leaves back on your yard.

Drugs vs. alcohol

The politicians have created the problem of drugs. They have put so much tax on anything of alcohol. It is cheaper to buy marijuana, meth or whatever they can get high on. There are so many that overdose and end up in the hospital at our expense. What is the difference of having a drunken driver or one high on drugs. There isn't. They still should not be on the road.

SOTU success

The coverage of the State of the Union speech succeeded in articulating the Democrat Party platform that includes: a disdain for criminal justice reform, a love of wars in Afghanistan and Syria, an unwillingness to compromise on a border security deal that would include protections for Dreamers, and the need for comically-large Cliff notes for Nancy Pelosi.

Replies (3)

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    Former Dem: Join the Trump Army to combat the evils of Liberal and Socialist Democrats. America First....MAGA!

    Non-wall security: To answer your National Debt issue....which is least costly: billions for Illegals for welfare and free health care Every year or a one time cost of $5.7 billion. Even those that use common core math can figure this out.

    Leaves pickup: Burn the leaves and then maybe the city will come up with a better plan.

    Drugs vs. alcohol: Both affect the brain and both are equally the cause of many deaths in the USA. Lives ended too soon.

    SOTU success: Well said....I might add that while Trump was Presidential, the Democrats were shown to be angry and sour.

    And that's the way it should be according to Schaefer's World....Thursday February 14, 2019.

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Feb 14, 2019, at 7:25 AM
  • President Trump is not "manufacturing" the FACTS on the dangers of not securing our southern border. But then the hate crowd is not impressed with real facts.I would suggest these disbelievers to talk to border security and get their side of the story. It is so sad when a political party has so much hate that they would rather see the country fail than to admit that there are a lot of good things happening. It's getting old telling the "no wallers" to ask their political representatives and others why they have residential security systems AND walls if they do no good.

    -- Posted by Greg Illers on Thu, Feb 14, 2019, at 8:13 AM
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    -- Posted by Greg Illers on Thu, Feb 14, 2019, at 8:13 AM

    Greg: Since the Socialist Democrats are losing voters they need to replace them with Illegals to maintain their power base.

    Schaefer's World

    -- Posted by Dennis Smith on Thu, Feb 14, 2019, at 8:36 AM

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