f/8 and Be There
Fred Lynch

WPA head sees progress at Community Center

Posted Monday, April 8, 2013, at 12:00 AM

June 24, 1938 Southeast Missourian

Matthew S. Murray, state WPA administrator, was agreeably surprised when he viewed the progress being made by his WPA workers on the new Community Center, or arena building, at the new city park this week. Mr. Murray, at the right, is shown standing with the building superintendent, Melvin Rickard, in what will be the auditorium of the structure. Workmen are shown clambering in numbers over the forms being placed for bleacher seats on the east side of the auditorium. This main auditorium will seat approximately 6,000 persons. (G.D. Fronabarger photo)

Previous blogs:

Arena Building under construction

Gen. Evangeline Booth at Arena

Crowds pack Arena for basketball

Gun show at Arena Building

Air marker, SEMO Fair


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