Letter to the Editor

Wallingford is a quality leader

The most promising method of securing virtuous and morally stable citizens is to elect virtuous leaders. He is the truest friend of liberty, first, who tries most to promote its virtue, and second, who will not suffer any person to be chosen for office who is not wise and virtuous. We elected a virtuous and wise man to serve us in the Missouri state Senate: Wayne Wallingford.

Election season's over, with the effort and tempest of the campaign way past and long forgotten. Congratulations to all who worked so hard to elect him and to all who supported and voted for him. Sen. Wallingford is in the Senate now, serving on seven committees and up past midnight reading every bill. His door is open, and when you look in, you'll find this citizen legislator hard at it, tirelessly doing the people's work. He won't ever let us down.