10 things Stacy Busch-Heisserer can't live without ...

Stacy Busch-Heisserer and Howie, the store cat at Busch Pet Products

Stacy Busch-Heisserer has made animals her business, and that makes her the perfect cover model for our special pet issue. Her parents were kennel owners, and her dad showed beagles. Now, she owns Busch Pet Products and serves on the board of Safe Harbor Animal Shelter/Silverwalk Hounds.

Here, 10 things she can't live without (yes, pets made the list):

1. My two guys, my husband and my son: I wouldn't be as happy and as a content as I am today if it weren't for both them. My husband is the best dad in the world, and it doesn't matter what kind of mood I'm in - my son's laughter is enough to cheer me up instantly!

2. Faith: I've had to rely on a lot of it with my business and my personal life. I think faith in myself has been the hardest. I remind myself every day that this is the path I was chosen to follow and to make the most of it.

3. Friends: Most of my besties live outside of Cape, but I know each one of them would be there for a 3 a.m. phone call if necessary. We can always pick up right where we left off.

4. Ugg boots: I know they aren't the most stylish, but my feet are always so cold and they are literally the only thing that saves me in the winter months.

5. My family's genes. Apparently the women in my family are kicking it pretty good. My great-grandmother lived to be 112, my great-great-aunt lived to be 86 and my great-aunt is 89. My husband is pretty sure who is going to live longer.

6. Yo Gabba Gabba: My son tolerates a lot of driving, and as long as there is something good in the DVD player in the car, we can travel. And frankly, I rather like the show, too. I'm just thankful he doesn't like the Doodlebops. They are scary!

7. The beach: Luckily, my husband is an avid beach-lover, too. It makes planning vacations very easy.

8. A great pair of jeans: They can instantly change my mood. The hard part is finding them. Petites are too short, regulars are too long. I will never find the perfect pair.

9. Animals: Having pets growing up has made me understand people better, and it really has made raising my son a bit easier. I tell my customers that if you raised a child, you can most definitely raise a puppy.

10. A good hairdresser. My good friend does my hair. She is the only one who can cut this hot mess and make it look amazing! The conversation is wonderful, too.