Letter to the Editor

Kind act shows spirit of season

To the editor:

My wife and I lost a beloved family pet two weeks ago. Those of you who love an animal of your own don't need to be told how that feels, and those who don't wouldn't get it anyway. After two weeks of passing out flyers, placing newspaper ads and praying, we were awakened this morning by a call from some young men who work in the Sears warehouse. They'd seen our flyer and matched it to a cat hiding in an inaccessible corner of the warehouse. When we rushed down to pick up our lost pet, I noticed that someone had given up a portion of his lunch in the attempt to lure the cat out of hiding. Their kindness, and willingness to take the time to reach out to a stranger rescued our holiday and reunited our family. In all the clatter and rush of the season, a single act of charity reminded us of what it's really about. I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you and spread a little of the joy their consideration brought to us. Peace on earth, good will to men -- and pets.

TRAVIS CLAYTON, Cape Girardeau