
United We Read

For the third year, the Cape Girardeau community will find common themes and discuss good writing when the United We Read program sponsored by Central High School gets under way in February.

The book choice for next year's program is "Tuesdays With Morrie," which is author Mitch Albom's account of reconnecting with a mentor who is dying.

United We Read has demonstrated that there are eager readers in our midst who have fascinating ideas to contribute when a book is read by a large number of people and discussed at informal get-togethers.

The program is ably shepherded by Julia Jorgensen, CHS librarian. Several individuals from the community are tapped to lead the discussions.

Anyone who has participated in a United We Read group in the past couple of years knows how meaningful and interesting a group reading project can be.

With "Tuesdays With Morrie," next February's reading assignment will no doubt be equally informative and uplifting.
