Letter to the Editor

Ask Gov. Holden to restore funding for alternatives

To the editor:

I want to inform the public that Gov. Bob Holden has dropped all funding for the Alternatives to Abortion program even though the legislature supported it. Of all the programs that were funded last year, this is the only one Holden cut in its entirety despite its great success. This past year, the program served 648 women with a 99.7 percent success rate. That means 646 babies were saved.

Not only is the program very successful, but it is also relatively inexpensive. If one lets $1 represent the $1 billion cut made to the Missouri state budget, then Holden saved the state 1/18th of a penny by dropping the Alternatives to Abortion program. Aren't babies worth 1/18th of a penny?

With the elimination of this program, women in crisis pregnancies may have nowhere to turn for support and have no choice but to abort their babies. Certainly Holden cannot justify completely cutting state funds to this vital program, especially one that can determine life or death for a baby.

Please contact Gov. Holden and urge him to restore the funding ($570,000) for the Alternatives to Abortion program.


Campbell, Mo.