Letter to the Editor

Low gas prices here are result of competition

To the editor:

I read with great interest the article on gasoline prices by Scott Moyers in Saturday's Southeast Missourian.

I found the article was correct and contained good information.

The article failed to mention the reason we enjoy such low gasoline prices here in the Cape Girardeau and Jackson area. That reason is Basic Fuel.

Let me assure you that we would be paying the same prices as our surrounding neighbors in the St. Louis area if it were not for Basic Fuel. Gasoline costs anywhere from 12 to 15 cents more in the St. Louis area than it does in the Cape and Jackson area. The cost of gasoline at Basic Fuel is always 6 to 12 cents lower than the majority of outlets here in Cape and Jackson.

Let's give credit where credit is due.


Cape Girardeau