Missouri says "No" to Real ID

From Missouri Campaign for Liberty...


"05/13/09: Deb Wells [State]: HB361 ANTI-Real ID Passes the Senate with Flying Colors!

Thanks to all of your hard work, your phone calls and your visits to Jeff City, HB361 passed the Senate unanimously today!!! Just one more little step and we could be FREE FROM REAL ID.

Call Governor Nixon, politely tell him you would like him to sign House Bill 361 Real ID Act of 2005 that passed unanimously in the Senate today. Tell him you appreciate his leadership.

(573) 751-3222"

Missouri Sovereignty, HCR-13


We received a message from Representative Jim Guest today asking for our help in getting his HCR13 Tenth Amendment bill voted out of Committee. Please see his message below.

HCR13: Claims sovereignty for the states under the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution for all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government under the Constitution.


HCR13 Tenth Amendment

Call all senators in the Rules Committee and ask them to take up the HCR13 declaring the 10th Amendment. Be nice and thank them for their time and their vote for HB 361. The senators were talking about the 10th amendment, so they are for us it just needs to be voted out of committee.

o Kevin Engler, 3rd, Chairman (573) 751-3455

o Gary Nodler, 32nd, Vice-Chairman (573) 751-2306

o Norma Champion, 30th (573) 751-2583

o Charlie Shields, 34th (573) 751-9476

o Joan Bray, 24th (573) 751-2514

o Tim Green, 13th (573) 751-2420"
