Letter to the Editor

Proposition A doesn't attack real problems

To the editor:

Though I do not smoke, I have found good reason to vote no on Proposition A. I see discrimination in it, and here's how.

What is the legal age to buy alcohol? 21. What is the legal age to buy tobacco? 18. What is the legal age to buy condoms?

Do you see the real problem? The fact is I don't hear real problems being addressed, but I do see an attack toward a specific group.

If sex between an adult and a minor is statutory rape, then why isn't it between two minors? I have a suggestion. When a child is born between two underage minors, have the future grandparents pay child support. Why should the rest of us taxpayers pay for a couple's sinful immorality when their parents should have been raising their children to be model citizens?

The proposed tobacco-tax increase attacks the folks who want to buy a pack of smokes, but it doesn't touch the real issue, which is the destruction to our youths.


Scott City, Mo.