Letter to the Editor

Proud parents pleased by photo on front page

To the editor:

The front page of the Aug. 21 Southeast Missourian contained a picture in the lower right-hand corner of students attending Southeast Missouri State University this fall. The young woman in the striped shirt in the middle of the picture is our daughter, Erin Jackson.

We are extremely proud of her. She is working toward an education that will help her to gain employment in the field of criminal justice. Armed with determination and a sense of humor, Erin is prepared to see her goal through, no matter what obstacles may rise up in her path. She is a source of inspiration to her family and friends.

So, if you happen to see her on campus, encourage her with a smile or a "Hello" and see your greeting returned with a smile that can chase away the darkest of clouds. Thank you for printing the picture and giving us the opportunity to say how thankful we are to God for allowing us to be a part of Erin's life.


Delta, Mo.