Letter to the Editor

Using less wood could save homes of more animals

To the editor:

I think we should use less wood. Maybe people could build houses that aren't so big. Instead of building houses out of wood, we could use steel frames, then cover the outside with siding.

If people really knew how many animal homes they were destroying, maybe they would use less wood. How would you fee if your home was being destroyed? Just think about how many animals are going to have to find new homes just to find out those homes are going to be destroyed also. So, the next time you decide to chop down a whole bunch of trees, think about how the animals that live in those trees feel.

I'm not saying you can't use wood anymore, but take only what you need so the animals will still have room to live. If we don't use as much wood, endangered species will have a chance to become more popular in the world and not become extinct.


Cape Girardeau