Letter to the Editor

Bush is ignoring his key advisers regarding Iraq

To the editor:

Pundits like William Safire and White House insiders like Vice President Cheney are setting the stage for a pre-emptive strike on Iraq against the advice of key military leaders and the State Department. Without strong support from our allies, without a clear end game, and with tensions running high around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, events in the region could easily spin out of control.

Why isn't President Bush listening to the people in his administration who have real military experience and depth in international affairs, like his Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of State Colin Powell?

In Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance provided the nuts and bolts of the offensive, but in Iraq no equivalent indigenous force exists, meaning Americans would suffer much heavier casualties. What's more, the loss of life might be in vain, since there is no viable successor for Saddam waiting in the wings. In short, the Joint Chiefs think a war on Iraq is an all-around bad idea.

President Bush should listen to his generals and do his homework when deciding how to deal with Saddam Hussein in the coming months.


Cape Girardeau