Letter to the Editor

Author provided many kind words of encouragement

To the editor:

I received a letter April 22 from the family of Marjorie Holmes -- a letter I knew would come one day as an unwelcome visitor. Just beneath her photograph was written, "It is with sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved mother."

Marjorie Holmes loved life, people and her profession as a writer of best-selling books and articles from the heart. It was her book, "Writing Articles From the Heart," that inspired my column, "Written from the heart," which appeared in this newspaper for five years.

Holmes supported an guided me with her words of encouragement. She gave of her time by reading everything I sent her and the writings I had published. I, along with others throughout the world who have been touched by her love and kindness, will miss her so much.

She wrote me the following once in a letter: "We may never meet face to face in this life. Nevertheless, we will most certainly meet in the life to come."


Cape Girardeau