Letter to the Editor

Sealed records are common in many lawsuits

To the editor:

Cleveland Hammonds Jr.'s complaining about the Catholic church making legal settlement and having the records sealed is disingenuous at best.

As the head of such a large and fine system as the St. Louis School District, Hammonds must be aware that it is common for school systems, businesses and individuals to settle suits and ask the judge to seal the results.

Even if Hammonds had called the previous employer of James Beine, also known as Dr. Mar James, he probably would have been told only that he had been employed and the dates of his employment.

From personal experience in recruiting people, if a former employer makes any negative remark, true or not, he can be sued and will likely lose. If Hammonds is really so inexperienced that he does not know that, then he has definitely risen the proverbial two levels above his level of competence.


Cape Girardeau