Letter to the Editor

Public's concerns are being ignored on power plant

To the editor:

Last week an article on the ties of Kinder-Morgan Power Co. to Enron Corp. was printed to ease fears that local residents may have toward the proposed power plant in my community. This information is helpful to those of us who live downwind from the proposed plant, since information from Kinder-Morgan seems to be as scarce as hen's teeth.

What concerns me most is Cape Girardeau County commissioner Joe Gambill's comment that Richard Kinder, founder of Kinder-Morgan and former president of Enron, is worth $1.5 billion and that as soon as the air-quality issue is worked out, the county commission is ready to go. It sounds like Gambill has already made up his mind on this issue without listening to those of us in the affected area. This is not an issue of Kinder's net worth. I do not believe Kinder is guaranteeing this bond issue with his personal checking account.

What is of concern is our water wells. I have $10,000 invested in my 440-foot well and cannot afford to replace it. I hope our commissioners will hold public meetings and do the public's bidding. They are in charge of this issue. If they do not issue the bonds, this issue is dead -- or we will see just how committed and thick Kinder's checkbook really is.


Whitewater, Mo.