Letter to the Editor

Teach evolution with creation; let students decide

To the editor:

A Speak Out caller said 90 percent of other callers are "a bunch of mental degenerates." If there is to be no debate on any subject, then what do we say about our American patriots at the time of the Revolution who had heated debates in the Continental Congress as to what kind of government to adopt?

Another Speak Out comment concerned the teaching of evolution and asked about scientific evidence and a possible conflict with Scripture. The theory of evolution is exactly that: a theory that cannot be scientifically proven. It's shot full of holes and winds up at a dead end.

My question: Why must this unscientific theory be taught? If education officials think such a theory must be taught in our schools, then the biblical account of creation as recorded in Genesis should be taught side by side. Then let the individual student decide for himself which of the two theories to accept. In my opinion, that would be fair and American.

Scripture speaks: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." These words are written too powerfully for anyone to deny them. Think about it.


Altenburg, Mo.