Letter to the Editor

Aid for farmer shows there is still good news

To the editor:

I want to thank you for including the article, "Neighbors harvest friend's beans," by B. Ray Owen in the Southeast Missourian. I think in this time of anxiety and uncertainty it is very appropriate to provide evidence that there are still good people in this world and that they are continuing to help their fellow man. The individuals and businesses coming together to harvest Bob Nitsch's soybean crop are evidence of all that is right with America and with Americans. I know Nitsch was humbled by their generosity, and the freedom from worry about harvest allowed him to concentrate on recovering from the stroke he suffered.

I commend those involved: Gerald Bryan, Gayle King, David and Roger Schwab, Truman Birk, John Peters, Stanley Propst, Larry Quade, David Joe Wessell, Art Bodenstein, Harlan Siebert, Robert Voges, Bob Klaproth, Andy Seyer, Vernon Miller, MFA, Straightway Farm Service, Jackson Co-op Service Center and U.S. Jo Ann Emerson's office. I consider each of them true American heroes looking outside the boundaries of their own lives and businesses for opportunities to help others.

I am confident that others felt as I did, that the article was a welcome and heartwarming reminder that there is still some good news.



Missouri Farm Bureau

Jefferson City, Mo.