Letter to the Editor

An ode to Osama - Terrorist leader may use disguise

To the editor:

After reading some of the poems in Sam Blackwell's column, I find myself turning quite poetic and thought you might enjoy the following:

Yo, hey. Yo, Osama. By the way,

How are you doing day by day ?

Are you planning attacks, you villainous knave.

Or are you busy there, redecorating your cave?

Are you traveling about using a disguise?

Have you looked up and noticed anything in the skies?

Are you hid under cover with thorns and thistles?

Have you heard any bombs? Have you seen any missiles?

If you want to fool us there in your cave,

You might try a razor, give yourself a shave.

And if you are desperate and in much distress,

You might try to fool us by wearing a dress.

You could prance around in a ball gown with pearls.

You could be just another one of the girls.

Wouldn't it be funny if when your cave smashes

You're dressed up in high heels and lady's eyelashes?


Jackson, Mo.