Letter to the Editor

Daily Tribune's sports editor paid ultimate price

To the editor:

If you saw or heard about the death of Kent Heitholt last week, it probably wouldn't register very high. It should, because it makes one examine priorities.

Heitholt was sports editor of the Daily Tribune in Columbia, Mo. In the early morning hours of Nov. 1, he was beaten to death in the paper's parking lot. Police have no suspects or motive. I had the honor of knowing Heitholt both personally and professionally. My prayers go to his wife and two children.

Sports is fun to watch and play. It is entertainment. It's not and never should be life-threatening. If sportswriters had to worry every time they wrote an article, it would be a sad situation. Sometimes, something may appear which is critical of an athlete. It should never be a reason for a writer to fear for their life. When and if sports becomes life-threatening, some priorities are out of bounds.

Kent Heitholt paid the ultimate price.


Cape Girardeau