Letter to the Editor

Pep rally should never feature a human effigy

To the editor:

In response to Terry Canupp's letter, please don't apologize for this adult as I don't need to apologize to the Central High School cheerleaders. The cheerleaders and administration of Central High School brought this furor on themselves. It really doesn't matter if Sept. 11 wouldn't have ever happened. Under no circumstances should a high school pep rally ever allow the burning of an effigy of a human being. I don't care what goes on the campuses of high schools across this country. I do care what goes on in Cape Girardeau. Two wrongs don't make a right. Cape can and should do better than this. Thank you to the Southeast Missourian and Joe Sullivan for having the guts to print that picture. Central High School, clean up your act. I hope the school administration will do its job when the next pep rally rolls around.


Cape Girardeau