Letter to the Editor

Our actions keep God from doing what he promises

To the editor:

With all our prayers for our nation, when will we realize what we must do to get God's help and healing for this troubled world? We want God's protection and his control over these enemy attacks and all kinds of evil, but we have not come into alignment with God in order to receive what he promises he will give when we pray.

We have strayed so far from his ways that his blessings and protection are withheld, and we are reaping these troubles. We refuse to repent of our alternate lifestyles or homosexuality. We have allowed fornication and promiscuity in the name of safe sex. We refuse to repent from our pornographic entertainment. We refuse to repent from our drunkenness. We promote and support psychic readings. We tell God to stay out of our schools, government, sports and public places.

But when we are in peril, we call out to God for help.

God still loves us, will forgive us and will help us. He is a God of mercy and compassion, and he cares. We will receive his help "if my people, which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14.

When will we get the point of what God is telling us? It isn't God's fault these things are happening. It is our fault.


Cape Girardeau