Letter to the Editor

Cheerleaders should uphold highest ideals

To the editor:

When I opened my Oct. 5 Southeast Missourian, I was appalled at the front-page picture of the Central High School cheerleader preparing to throw an effigy of a Jackson cheerleader into a bonfire. My next reaction was sadness, especially in light of the recent terrorist attacks on our nation.

I would expect to see such a photo on the World page of the newspaper showing a terrorist burning an effigy or the U.S. flag.

It makes me wonder if these cheerleaders follow a cheerleader constitution. Most cheerleader constitutions state that the cheerleaders' main purpose is to promote and uphold school spirit and sportsmanship and to represent their school to the highest degree. This includes promoting friendship with schools with whom they compete. The cheerleaders' job is to set an example of good behavior, which can influence the whole school. This is why they are called leaders.

I am all for school spirit, but it seems to me that whoever was responsible for the actions of these cheerleaders was either looking the other way or neglectful of their duties.


Scott City, Mo.