Letter to the Editor

Voter appreciates Drury's effort against tax plan

To the editor:

Steve Robertson is correct in his conclusion that it is the customer who is paying the increased hotel-motel-restaurant tax, which is being set aside to defray the city's cost for the proposed River Campus. This is the crux of the matter. As one who eats out a lot in this town, it galls me to think that every time I eat a taco or hamburger I am contributing to this economic black hole.

I want to thank Jim Drury for bringing the lawsuit to correct the breach of faith by the city fathers. Voters were told that if one of the ballot issues failed, then both would be considered to have failed. However, after one issue failed, they came up with some creative financing, no doubt prompted by the university administration.

This is one voter who is sick and tired of the city council and the mayor asking "How high?" every time some university official tells them to jump. This project is not in the best interests of the students who will have to trek to this off-campus location. Nor do I think it will be the economic magnet that will draw tourists and big spenders to this city. Simply put, I believe the proposed River Campus is nothing more than a feel-good project to amuse the intellectual elite who contend it will bring culture to this area.

All I can do is pray that the Missouri Supreme Court upholds the lower-court decree.


Cape Girardeau