Visit Vitality Market for all health and wellness needs

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Friday, December 9, 2022

Vitality Market at 117 W Main Street in Jackson, features many favorite products of shop purveyors, Judy Strickland and Resa Armstrong. When you visit their shop, you will find many locally sourced and all-natural products such as honey, elderberry syrup, soap, lotion and a variety of baked goods.

Vitality Market also now offers meals daily such as salads, sandwiches and smoothies. On Wednesdays, they serve hot meals; On Fridays, they serve savory hand pies. The goal of Vitality Market is to provide customers the opportunity to enjoy items that offer a holistic approach to health and wellness while addressing the mind, body and spirit.

If health and wellness is your focus for the holidays and New Year, take time to visit Vitality Market! Education and Wellness Planning is also available to interested customers throughout the year. For gift purchasing needs, customers will also find a wide selection of used books, greeting cards, jewelry, Christian-themed home decor and other gift items.


Address: 117 W Main Street, Jackson, Mo.

