Letter to the Editor

Fund existing needs first

Sometimes we forget, city government cannot be all things, to all people, all of the time. There will never be sufficient financial and human resources available, to grant all of the requests received by our elected leaders and city staff.

Due to limited financial and human resources, our leaders must fund and meet city needs first before obligating revenue and employees to grant wants. Failure to do this, will place the city in a position where resources are not available to satisfy actual needs.

It's encouraging, to hear our mayor, City Council members, and city management are focused on taking care of existing city needs and commitments before obligating revenues and personnel to fund and complete new projects, programs and services. I am looking forward to seeing substantial improvements in the areas of public safety, city employee wages, street repair, attracting new businesses into the area, and taking care of what we have.

As a longtime resident of Cape Girardeau, I am excited about the future of our city. I am confident, if our elected leaders and the community remain focused on funding and addressing our current needs, in just a few years, the city will be in a much better position than we are today. Possibly, in a position to consider some of the wants!

GARY HILL, Cape Girardeau